Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Thank you, Lord, for our health and happiness;  our family and friends;  Mark getting to and from work safely.
Thank you Lord for all of your blessing to use for Your Will.  Receive our prayers.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

Our nightly prayer along with our Gratitude Journal:
  • We made it to today raising our kids
  • We love each other unconditionally
  • We learn from the whisper, no need for the roar
  • Peace returning to our family
My appreciation:
Coming home has been the greatest choice made for our family.  I appreciate the fact Mark has been able to keep the lights on, food in the fridge, roof over our heads.  I appreciate the sacrifice made to create peace and harmony in our home.  We have learned our lesson this year.  I appreciate moving on to bigger and better things for our family.

This is what you'll find behind the tabs...

Housewife Rehab: Eisenia Fetida
Sweet Remembrance Desserts: Move Over, Big Guy
Focus Techniques:  Itsie, Bitsie
Body by God: Thy Daily Bread


  1. Ahhhhh.......Beautifully said!!!!!

  2. That comment is from me not anonymous!!!!
