Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Journey

Ok, I am not doing very well with my Body, By God. I have been immersed in baking for a crowd and am forced to eat a cookie from every batch I make. No excuse, I am testing to make sure each recipe is worthy to sell.

That brings me to reminiscing about what I have done to battle the bulge. Through the years... my journey (from 2005) 'til today.

Books I remember reading (not everything, I'm sure):
Eat Right For Your Blood Type- Found out I am to be a vegetarian. Really?
Make the Connection- Love Oprah and Bob. Felt as though they were a part of the family.
South Beach Diet- Lasted three days. If I saw one more turkey wrapped in lettuce I would become bulimic.
You on a Diet- skimmed
Perricone Promise- wanted a cupboard filled with vitamins
The Schwarzbein Principle- I don't remember a thing
The Complete Idiots Guide to Total Nutrition- Need to eat green veggies
Bob Greene's Total Body Makeover- Oprah and Bob in the house
The Real Age Makeover- I want to be younggg. Need more vitamins
The Best Life Diet- O and Bobby, we're tight
French Women Don't Get Fat- I wanted to make the soup, family balked.
The Glycemic Index for Dummies- More calculations...
The Complete Idiots Guide to Vegan Living- The influence of the In-Laws
The China Study- In-Laws turned Vegan because of this book
The 17 Day Diet- Pam wanted to read this. Bottom line- eat more veggies
Two in particular.
One I can't remember the name. It had a red cover with a cross on it. Based on the Bible, the bottom line was "Don't eat past full." OMG.
The other one is Body By God. It sits on the shelf in my kitchen. Hook- line- and sinker. Meetings, journals, books, vitamins. I wrote stuff in this book. Yep, I still have it. Eat more veggies. Start with an apple and move your ass. Simple. Mark called it "The 40 ways to lose 40 dollars."

Gyms I supported:
Womens Health and Fitness- I bought the building on 50 & Hiawassee. This is where I had my first "fat ass" sessment.
Planet Fitness- I wrote on the cancel paper I met goal after 6 months of no-shows.

Programs I attempted:
Weight Watchers- The guilt of lying each week just so I could get a "sneaker sticker" was eating me alive

Actual Diets:
The one in particular was Gina's idea. Eat Cabbage Soup. I am telling you, Gina was out to kill me. The gas buildup, the fumes, the lack of soft toilet paper. I will never eat cabbage soup again. This is NOT what they mean by eat more veggies.
The Man Show Diet. This was where they featured a truly obese lady stuffing her face with crap food. Flashbacks of her life, praising the goodness of junk food. All of a sudden, she wanted to be thin. Cut away to this hottie chickie babe. This chunk-o-munk-o turned into the Princess Swan thanks to the "Don't Eat So Much Diet". I swear to you I have never seen Mark laugh soo hard. Crying laughing. This is our family dinner table motto. Seriously.

Yoga- got up to 17 min
Tai Chi- Swan
Biggest Looser stuff- I eat more watching this show
Ran a 5k- 43 min!!
Park in the farthest closest parking spot
Rode a bike- 10 miles with Susie
Bought a recumbant bike- sold for $40 at the yard sale
Bought a core strength ball on a base that I was to stand on and pull straps- donated to Good Will

I have a 3 month followup 4 months after I finally went to the doctors. We will discuss my "fat ass" sessment. I'm gonna tell him to read my progress on this blog. It's the JOURNEY, the 50 pound destination is out there somewhere. It's the journey, Doc, iiitt'ss tthhee jjoouurrnneeyyyy...
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