Sunday, November 6, 2011

Molasses, Myasses

Molasses Crinkles
You've heard of the expression "Measure twice, cut once." This holds true to baking as well as construction.

Last week, I tried out a new recipe for Molasses Crinkles. Instead of making one batch, I decided to double it since my Sister-In-Law told me how much she loved these cookies. Well, doubling butter from 1/2 cup to 1 cup is easy...
As I am scooping the very wet dough onto my pan, my thought was the recipe didn't call for enough flour. But, I double checked my calculations and everything looked right.  Not my fault...
The cookies baked to a thin layer of grease. Seriously?! Carrie told me this was easy and delicious. After reviewing the recipe, verifying not only the calculations, but comparing it to other molasses cookies, I realized I used 6 sticks of butter for 1 cup. Since I had attempted twice to bake these, I couldn't just add ingredients to correct my mistake. I had to throw the glob away.
After the tears dried, and the apology to Mark for dumping money down the drain was accepted, I attempted to make these cookies again.  Now, licking wounds sometimes doesn't teach me a lesson.  The insistence of me not being the one making the mistake and going online to prove this by comparing other types of recipes- has created my version of the Molasses Crinkle.  This time, not only did I verified the measurements, I verified the "cut".

My version Molasses Crinkles

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