Sunday, November 6, 2011


I am not a big fan of cooking nightly dinners. It took the four years working at the hospital to finally kick the 7 days a week habit of eating out. This is no exaggeration.

Each New Year's resolution included losing weight and eating at home. Neither of which I really did- ever. I joined "The Grocery Game" to save money by couponing. "Let's Eat" was a fad where I would show up with a check and a cooler bag, take raw food, prep it, put it in a ziplock, go home to freeze it. When I felt like cooking, I would pull a card with how to prepare the Pork Chops smothered in Cherry Sauce served over a bed of Seasoned Rice. One card, 2 bags, dinner- voila!

No matter we would resort to our favorite restaurants, carrying the toddlers Blue's Clue's plates in case we would wind up at "The guy that cooks on the table" aka Kobe' Japanese Steak House. Years and years of unlimited service, foods from around the world, personal chefs. All within a hours drive from home.

Grocery List on the back
It's different now. Thanks to Dave Ramsey, we have had the pleasure of cooking and eating at home for quite a few months now by utilizing

For $5 a month, I print out a weekly menu based on our grocery stores sales. Seriously, this has been the greatest find ever. I would not buy anything but ground beef or a t-bone steak in the meat department because I hadn't a clue what to do with a rump roast...whaaaat?

We picked the family low fat Publix meal plan because the recipes seemed more appealing to us. Here's the kicker, I don't buy fat free anything nor do I follow all the recipes to the letter. Basically, I take the grocery list, buy the stuff, post this on my microwave and use it as a guide. No brainer dinners. Tonight I am making Meal 6. Instead of rolling the asparagus in the chicken (I tried pounding the chicken, but it landed on the floor one too many times), I am going to grill bbq chicken, roast the asparagus, make the mushrooms according to the recipe, and serve this with brussel sprouts from yesterdays Meal 4 (originally for Meal 5). The bread is a bonus.

Body By God is coming along. I never, ever ate veggies. Now, for this one meal, three are being served with chicken breast the size of a deck of cards. We are eating at home.

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